Children and Youth Programs
Youth Group Returns September 4, 6 PM
Youth group for grades 6 through 12 begins Wednesday September 4 at 6:00 PM. Come one, come all and bring your friends. With Pastor Wendy on sabbatical, Dave and Craig Standafer will lead. Be ready for snacks and games, to get to know each other, and to learn a little about God's amazing love for us.
Please contact us if your child would like to attend.
We financially aid and encourage our children and youth to attend week long church camp at Westminster Woods in Occidental California. Camp provides an opportunity for children, youth and adults to encounter the love and grace of God within a Christ-centered community of faith and celebrate their uniquely made selves. They also make friends and have fun experiencing games, the swimming pool, creek walks, cargo nets, and rope courses.
Click here to visit Westminster Woods website.