Meeting in-person or on Zoom,3rd Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 pm
All meetings will be hybrid (in person in the Fireside Room and on Zoom) until further notice.
The Martha Circle study this year is: Let Justice Roll Down God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation
2/18/25 - Land Justice: Scriptural accounts of divinely ordered conquest and laws of Jubilee that support the rights of individual landowners stand in tension but are rooted in the perception that all the earth is God’s.
3/18/25 - Food Justice: The Bible portrays the earth as yielding food in abundance, and today’s agricultural scientists say it could provide food for all. We can learn to produce food with justice and peace and feed a starving world.
4/15/25 - Water Justice: Water is so essential, and its presence and absence so impactful, that both Scripture and contemporary events reflect its multidimensional effects on human life.
5/20/25 - Air Quality: The wind itself often signals a holy moment, and is related to both our breath and God’s, both our spirit and God’s.
6/17/25 - Climate Change: Scripture teaches us to listen to prophets who warn of threats, avoid complacency and self-concern, and participate with joy in the work God has given us to do.
9/16/25 - Economic Climate Justice: The Bible’s economic wisdom never promises to eradicate poverty: “You always have the poor with you,” it says instead. But we can reduce suffering and strengthen the entire social network.
10/21/25 - Intergenerational Justice: Like the authors who reflected midstream on the meaning of ancient Judah’s story with God, who held onto unrealized hopes for their future, we have a story with God, a story whose meaning is changing.
11/18/25 - Sustaining Creation’s Health for All: Scripture and modern science help us see nature’s wisdom more clearly and lead us to seek just ways to care for the earth and one another.
Earline Barfield and Margaret Pasholk invite any women of the church to join in this Bible study and prayer time.
Please Contact Us if you would like to join the meeting.